Volume of liquid refers to the capacity of liquid in the containers. Capacity can be measured by using non standard units (more or less) and in standard units in millimeter (ml) and litre(l) in the metric system.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Learning Outcomes:
·         By the end of the lesson, students should be able to measure volumes of liquid using non-standard units.

Previous Knowledge:
·         Students have learnt how to measure volumes of liquid using full, half full, empty, more and less.


  • Containers in different sizes ( jug, bottle, vase, bowl, basin, beaker, jar)
  • Pails  of water
  • Small cups ( as measuring tools)
  • Worksheets
  • Pencils

Procedures :

This activity is done outside the classroom.

1.     Prepare some empty containers before starting the activity.

2.    Form groups of three.

3.    Prepare a few station, according to the number of group formed. At each station , put an empty container, a pail of water and a small cup to be used as tool for measurement. At each station use different kind of container.

4.    Distribute worksheet 3 and a pencil to each group.

5.    Students need to draw the picture of the container at each station in the worksheet.

6.    Then, they need to estimate the amount of water needed for the container to be full of water. Then, write down their estimation in the space provided.

7.    Group 1 start at Station A, Group 2 at Station B and so on. They need to complete all the station.

8.    When all the group has finish, distribute Worksheet 4 to each group.

9.    Students need to do the experiment to find the actual amount of water needed.

10. Inform students to fill in the cup fully with water each time they fill in the container.

11.  After each experiment, they need to record their findings in the space provided.

12. Group 1 start at Station A, Group 2 at Station B and so on.

13. Students need to empty the container before moving to the next station.

14. Each group have to complete all the station.

15. Discuss and compare students findings. Relate the size of container with the amount of water needed to fill the container fully.

16. Guide students to conclude that the bigger the size of the container, the more amount of water needed to fully fill the container.

    Note: Findings may vary due to incorrect measuring.


Learning Outcomes :
·         By the end of the lesson, students should be able to measure the amount of water using non-standards units.

Materials :
·         Different sizes of measuring tools ( bottle, mug, bowl, ladle, scoop)
·         Worksheet 5
·         Pencils
·         Jugs (same size)
·         Pails of water

Procedures :

This activity is done outside the classroom.

1.     Form groups of four.

2.    Prepare station, depend on the numbers of group form.

3.    At each station, put a pail of water, a measuring tool a jug.

4.    Distribute Worksheet 5 and a pencil to each group.

5.    Group 1 start at Station A, Group 2 at Station B and so on.

6.    At each station, students need to fill in the jug using the measuring tool provided and record their findings in the worksheet provided.

7.    Students need to empty the jug before moving to the next station. They need to fully fill the measuring tools with water.

8.    Students need to complete all the station.

9.    Discuss and compare students’findings. Arrange the measuring tools accoring to size from the smallest to the biggest. Compare measuring tool size with the amount of water needed to fully fill the sasme size jug.

  Note: Students findings may vary due to incorrect measuring.



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